Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A coincidence?

First off, I've been too tired to finish any article recently, although I've started many, (I have many ideas, alright, jeez...) Anyway, I hope to return to where I had left off most of my normal writing soon, and I have a lot to share.For now, however, I'll just leave you with this extraordinary coincidence (or is it?)  that I happened to pick up online, that spurred me to start once again.

Kanye West teams up with co-author J. Sakiya Sandifer to make his literary debut with Thank You And You're Welcome, an entertaining volume of 'Kanye-isms'--the creative, humorous, and insightful philosophies and anecdotes used in creating his path to success. It captures the same wit, playful irony, and piercing insight found abundant in his lyrics.
In Thank You And You're Welcome, Kanye delivers his personal message uncensored, without any five-second delay or media distortion.
'My book is a guide to creating then celebrating your moment!' says Kanye. "

Extraordinary coincidence, and only a y extra.
-from here.