Sunday, August 31, 2014

Herrmit krab.

Oh, what do you know,
of the heady lassitude of spending time,
in the company of good friends?

Of lying 'pon the grasses green,
And shooting watermelon seeds,
at passing clouds that look like sheep.

Of roaming around broke,
penniless and destitute,
for food oh so cheap, oh so delicious.

Of talking through murky nights,
when the world shudders and quakes,
while you while away the time,
with a thought, a drink, and a song.

Of trudging wearily to the nearest town,
Robbed o' your wits, your possessions,
Taking solace in each others presence.

Of endless professions of undying love,
Promises made, broken, and made anew,
Staying static as the world warps,
Wondering why people change.

What do you know, O' friendless one,
joyless and solitary, stubborn and apathetic,
what do you know of joy and pain?

Sitting in your shell,
as you go about it all,
Looking, but not seeing.
As the ones who care,
slip away into obscurity,
in the mists of time.